The NetFlix Monopoly : Hollywood worried

Netflix is starting to make Hollywood nervous. The streaming service spends $6 billion a year…

Business Ideas, you can run from the comfort of your own home

Opening a business from home is a great strategy for entrepreneurial-minded individuals. There are tons…

Google Project Zero
Make $200,000 by hacking Google’s Nexus 6P and 5X

If you always wanted to do some hacking and probe new exploits without repercussions but…

Your car can now self-drive for $1000 thanks to Comma one

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]S[/su_dropcap]ince came out of a very short stealth mode in December 2015,…

Linkedin lite, a time saver!

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]A[/su_dropcap]t its Bangalore, India branch office, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner announced today that…

Get to know about these Facebook Open Source Projects

Facebook uses, maintains, and contributes to a significant number of major projects- in areas as diverse…

Whatsapp copies Snapchat

Is it me or is facebook and the entire outfit decided to copy everything that…

Mark Zuckerberg visits the Home of Mobile Banking-Kenya

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]O[/su_dropcap]n his surprise tour of tech hubs in Africa, Mark Zuckerberg has made…

PIVOT East 2016
PIVOT East 2016 aims to raise the quality of mobile startups and improve their investability

PIVOT East, East Africa’s premier mobile startups pitching competition and conference will be held on…

get to inbox zero
How to get to inbox zero

To most people, the inbox is a soul-sucking black hole of follow-up messages, annoying staff…