Computers will require more energy than the world generates by 2040

Scientists have predicted that unless radical improvements are made in the way we design computers,…

Edward’s Snowden Phonecase warns you if you are being spied on

The goal is to protect people from being digitally spied on by alerting them when…

Artificial Intelligence
Ai and the ‘skynet’ threat theorem

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]Y[/su_dropcap]ou have all seen The Terminator Sequel and if you have not, maybe…

why you need a chatbot
What’s a chatbot and why your business needs one

What are chatbots? Why are they such a big opportunity? How do they work? How…

Using facebook chatbots
Use Facebook Messenger Chatbot to fix your distribution problem

Chatbots are one of the most interesting emerging business models in mobile tech. At their core,…

Tools that Optimize your Workflow
Tools that help you optimize your workflow

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]T[/su_dropcap]o become a better craftsman, especially in my industry, you need to be…

Google Self Driving Cars
Google’s Robot cars are Polite to Cyclists

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]T[/su_dropcap]hanks to Google’s many in-house bikers, the company’s self-driving car now knows how to…

Scratch n Sketch
Learn Electronics and How to Code with Scratch-n-Sketch

As the world buzzes about with the advancement of technology and the embracing of the…

Meet Domgy, the intelligent Robo-pet

Chinese manufacturer Roobo (stylized ROOBO) has now received the prestigious Red Dot award 2016 for…

Google Faster Cable
Google-funded FASTER Cable System is ready to serve!

The 9,000-km submarine cable system linking Japan and the West Coast of the U.S. has…