KayTouch Solutions
Ways to Get Ahead at Work

Everyone wants to be recognized for doing a good job, to be able to earn…

Things The Millionaire Next Door Won’t Tell You

Although having a million bucks isn’t as impressive as it once was, it’s still nothing…

Game of Thrones Season 5
‘Game of Thrones’: The Iron Throne is a terrible investment

Season 5 of "Game of Thrones" premieres on Sunday, April 12 at 9PM ET on…

Memes and Memetics for Marketers

If I say the word “meme” around a group of web savvy people, the first…

Angola Jose Eduardo
Young Africans decry continent’s longest serving leaders

A group of young Africans have made a video on Africa’s longest serving presidents in…

pay your friends
You can now pay on facebook messenger!

wait , wait, wait... I am still catching my breath here because this is just…

eCommerce website design
Developing an ecommerce website

[su_quote cite="Kivuti" url="https://www.linkedin.com/profile/public-profile-settings?trk=prof-edit-edit-public_profile"]Frankly, am writing this post because I am on the verge of creating…

celebrating Pi Day
3.14 is Pi day!

If you're a mathematician, physicist, or engineer, you've probably already heard of Pi Day. If…

Behaviors Emotionally Intelligent people engage in that make them likable

Likable people are invaluable and unique. They network with ease, promote harmony in the workplace,…

Power of the Dream!

[su_quote cite="kivuti" url="http://twitter.com/nimimikivuti"]Dreaming is part of being human! This state of mind and body allows…