Everyone wants to be recognized for doing a good job, to be able to earn promotions and raises, and to move up the organization. However, the path isn’t always clear, and sometimes we are our own worst enemies–standing in the way of our own success.
The good news is that there are certain things you can do to get ahead at work. In her book The Politics of Promotion, author Bonnie Marcus outlines the tools and strategies that are required to get ahead at work. Says Marcus, “You have to be willing and capable of adapting not only to get ahead, but also to stay ahead.”
Volunteer to take on high-profile projects
Just as grade-school teachers prefer students who sit up front in class and freely raise their hands to answer questions, bosses prefer employees who freely volunteer to take on difficult and high-profile projects. When you’re seen as someone who gets things done–and done well–then you’ll be the one who is selected for promotions, bonuses, and other accolades.
Speak up in meetings
A business meeting is no place to be a shrinking violet. Do your homework, know your subject, and then make your views known in group and in one-on-one meetings–with your boss, and with members of your team. Be careful, however, not to go overboard. Give others a chance to talk, too.
Do good work
It’s not enough to work hard, or to work smart–the outcomes and results you produce must be good ones. Even better, make them great ones!
Take credit for your accomplishments
While humility is a virtue, don’t mistake being humble with the need to make sure that your boss knows that you are the one who accomplished something good for the company. Take credit where credit is due.
Showcase your subject matter expertise
If you have become an expert on some work-related subject, then build your own personal brand by promoting that expertise to the outside world. Blog about whatever subject it is you’re expert in, or use Twitter build an audience. This exposure will improve your value to your current employer, helping you get ahead when opportunities arise.
Speak at industry or career-related events
You can further build your brand–and provide more visibility to your company–by setting aside some time to speak at industry or career-related events. Every industry has conferences every year, and they are hungry for speakers with strong knowledge and experience. Similarly, specific career tracks–for example, HR professionals, or marketing professionals–often have their own conferences that you can, and should, be a part of.
Volunteer in your community
When you volunteer for a local nonprofit or other community organization, you not only have the opportunity to help, but it’s also a great way to meet and network with influential people in your community.
well then, lets all get to work and give our best for a better results and personal satisfaction!