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Power of the Dream!

[su_quote cite=”kivuti” url=””]Dreaming is part of being human! This state of mind and body allows our inner-selves to access those parts within us that are us, affect us and portray the truth. Everyone of us has that dream of being better at who they are, what they are or what they have[/su_quote].

After the dream comes the passion, the desire to accomplish ultimately the dream that will be a definition of a persons life achievement. I am pushed to dream everyday to better myself as a person and mentor others to grow in the way fit to cohabit peacefully in society.

Building the dream is work my friend!

Its about focus, sacrifice and pure hard work. You have to be a gymnast at any level you need to keep your balance and learn enough to not trip and fall. you have to learn how to stand firm, move fast, become aggressive yet be sensitive to others, be human in the pursuit of your dream, and believe in God, you pray and fast, you learn the word and demonstrate, you learn not to hate!

This article could be long with many variables in how dreams have made me and you to be the people we are now, so we can all build it together, something from our dreams that craves to come out into the real world!

There is poetry i once wrote about dreams, it felt good that cold evening, i was sitted outside my mums place, feeling the vibes and those bells in my mind going off….


 Your dreams tell,
The you so well,
Than could you ever tell.
For if it spelled not well
Sure I am you shall yell
Crying out for the mis-spell!Now they are showing,
But am not seeing
Afraid of sleeping,
My futile fleeing!What occurred to my dreams?
I lay in peace to awake in screams,
Shattered dreams are my dreams,
My ambition mangled in the dreams
That I rise in screams.What accident to my dreams?
I lay then without screams
Or are there schemes
That sabotage and dims,
The light in the dreams
Triggering the darkness,
The oracle of madness!

My dreams ignore the curses!
A cold shoulder to the masses,
The dreamless races!

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kivuti kamau

Data Modelling, Design & Development