Facebook begins testing live video streaming for all users

Four months after introducing live video streaming for celebrities and other high-profile users, Facebook is now…

FinovateEurope 2016

If you are a developer, I bet there is somewhere you need to be at…

Amazon Echo ‘Alexa’

[su_dropcap style="simple" size="4"]T[/su_dropcap]his week, Amazon rolled out three major updates to its artificially intelligent speaker,…

Fitbit Alta: lifestyle and fitness tracking in style

Fitbit is on a roll lately: after unveiling the Fitbit Blaze, a $200 fitness tracker…

Square Space NFC
Square’s Latest Reader Available At Apple

Square’s new NFC card reader is now available at Apple Stores , or online. Square’s latest…

What small Businesses need to Know about Windows 10

Earlier this month, Microsoft announced that more than 200 million devices (PCs, phones and tablets)…

Hypershoot: Pinterest-like bookmarking tool for designers

A ‘Pinterest for’ has got to be one of the most over-used shorthand comparisons in tech, along…

Turn your social media images into cash using mipic

UK-based startup miPic is a new social network that allows designers, photographers and artists to…

Swagway Swagtron
Swagway develops new hoverboard that won’t explode!

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="2"]L[/su_dropcap]ess than 5 months ago Johnny Zhu founded Swagway, LLC, in Indiana with…

Personal Branding
How To Build Your Personal Brand

You might not be looking for a job right now, but chances are you will…