Conversational Ads
Twitter introduces conversational ads

Starting today, advertisers can drive more earned media and brand influence with twitter's new conversational…

Turn your blog into a business

Blogs – a love affair with a niche interest or hobby. Whether it’s photography, technology,…

Twitter’s new rules explicitly bans hateful speech and keep users from self-harm

[su_dropcap style="flat"]T[/su_dropcap]witter has had something of a rocky history with dealing with abuse and harassment…

Mailbird, the best email client for Windows

I was doing my usual rounds around the internet and reading awesome blogs in tech…

Big surprise from a small stick!

[su_quote cite="kivuti" url=""]As technology advances, be sure to be really surprised by technological creations and…

Facebook Safety Check

Did you know that Facebook users are able to notify friends and family that they are…

Improve Your Reach on Facebook (INFOGRAPHIC)

Your Facebook reach is declining. So is everyone else’s. Old news. Organic reach has declined to…

Facebook Flat Chrome Extension

Facebook’s design has been widely discussed among designers and users, and I’ve seen plenty of…

No pants are the Best pants

This world is an amazing place to be at, I was doing my daily rounds…

Apple music now on Android

It started on iOS, but Apple Music has now made its way to Android. Those…