How to tell if your computer has been tampered with

Whether you're in an open office where colleagues regularly wander past, or live somewhere—like a…

Huawei and the 5G saga

Am sure, in the recent few days, weeks, y'all have heard or read about the…

zombiload exploit
Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla release patches for ZombieLoad chip flaws

Big tech is stepping in to patch newly disclosed security flaws affecting almost every Intel  chip since…

New Flaw in Intel Chips; ZombieLoad steals your sensitive data

Watch out! Your processor resurrects your private browsing-history and other sensitive data. After Meltdown, Spectre, and Foreshadow, we…

whatsapp hacked
Hackers Broke Whatsapp with just a phone call!

YOU'VE HEARD THE advice a million times. Don't click links in suspicious emails or texts. Don't download shady apps.…

You need to pay attention to cyber security

More firms say they prioritize cyber-security, but a significant number are still putting themselves at…

Banking Trojan Trickbot New Tricks

The TrickBot Trojan has been upgraded with new modules to make detection, and defense, more…

Become a Fullstack Web Developer in 2019!

Hey guys, Happy New Year! I bet you have heard or read these words multiple…