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Babierge, travel light with your baby!

Traveling with a baby for the holidays? First you’ve got your own gear to worry about, then a stroller, something for the baby to sleep in, a baby carrier, toys, snacks, a diaper bag, possibly a car seat and whatever else the plane might allow you to shove into the overhead compartment or check at the gate. Then you’ve got to soothe and entertain the little one so everyone on the plane doesn’t hate you. the struggle. is. real.

But one startup out of New Mexico hopes to at least take care of the gear portion of your personal travel nightmare. Babierge (think baby+concierge) is a baby gear rental marketplace where, instead of lugging everything around with you from city to city, you can rent baby cribs, strollers and whatever else you’ll need from individuals wherever you go.

It’s also a way for families, called “trusted partners” to make an extra bit of cash for the baby gear they already have.

It works like this: those needing baby gear log onto the site and choose the destination city they’ll be traveling to. From there, you’ll see the family willing to rent and the equipment they have to offer listed below. Choose what you need and then select the dates you’ll need the equipment. From there you’ll see if the gear is available and the total price. If all looks good you can check out and arrange for delivery wherever you may be in town.

It’s conceivable the company could go beyond baby gear at some point. This month, some on the site are even offering holiday packages such as delivery of a full-bodied faux pine Christmas tree that comes pre-lit with 300 mini-white & 300 mini-colored lights or a Menorah with candles and matches. However, given the name and focus the site isn’t likely to branch out further than a few of these one-offs.

The startup’s growth is a testament to a need in the market for this type of platform. According to Babierge co-founder Fran Maier, Babierge has served about 5,000 traveling families this year, fulfilling more than 400 orders during Thanksgiving alone.


kivuti kamau

Data Modelling, Design & Development