Enabling the Future is a Global Network of passionate volunteers using 3D printing to give the world a better hand!
That’s awesome, right? well am sure you are impressed just like i was and i would like to introduce you to this amazing piece of selfless service that is projected towards creating free 3D printed hands and arms for those in need of an upper limb assistive device.
enablingthefuture.org is the personal, privately-run website of Jennifer Owen. Jen is the sole owner of the website and it does not represent any other organization or individual. She has been a volunteer and participant in the field of open-source, 3D printed prosthetic hands for the past 3 years. Along the way, she has sought to highlight and document stories on the topic of low-cost prosthetics from around the world, as well as to create an information resource for people interested in learning more about the history, design & fabrication of these devices.
The e-NABLE Community is an amazing group of individuals from all over the world who are using their 3D printers to create free 3D printed hands and arms for those in need of an upper limb assistive device.

They are people who have put aside their political, religious, cultural and personal differences – to come together and collaborate on ways to help improve the open source 3D printable designs for hands and arms for those who were born missing fingers or who have lost them due to war, disease or natural disaster.
The e-NABLE Community is made up of teachers, students, engineers, scientists, medical professionals, tinkerers, designers, parents, children, scout troops, artists, philanthropists, dreamers, coders, makers and every day people who just want to make a difference and help to “Give The World A Helping Hand.”
For more on the history and continuing story of the e-NABLE Community – please see below!
Giving The World A “Helping Hand” from Jen Martin Studios on Vimeo.