When you want to share your thoughts about an interesting story or blog post, Twitter’ 140 character limit can be a real pain.
[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”5″]T[/su_dropcap]here’s hardly enough room to describe the context of the story in question, along with your opinion of it and a link to the original post. If you’re using Chrome, Chirp can make this a lot easier.
Highlight any text on a page and the free browser extension will let you snap a screenshot around your selection to tweet instantly, along with the article URL. You can add your own text to the tweet and adjust the size of the screenshot to accommodate more text too.
That’s handy for when you want to draw attention to a specific part of a story; and it’ll likely be seen by more people too, as tweets with images have been found to get over 300 percent higher engagement.
Chirp also has another cool trick up its sleeve: if you follow a story from Twitter, you’ll be able to reply to that tweet right from the page you visited. That’s a great way to keep the conversation going, with minimal friction and fiddling around.
If you’re looking to up your Twitter game, Chirp is a handy tool to have around.
Chirp for Twitter on Chrome Web Store