Maybe I should begin this article by first defining what a podcast is (for those joining us from Mars) before we get down into starting one.
[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”5″]A[/su_dropcap] Podcast is a digital audio file made available online or for downloading to a computer or a smart device. Podcasts are typically available as a series (not mandatory) or in new installments of which can be received by subscribers on your blog, website or mailing list automatically. Podcasting can also be a form of audio broadcasting on the Internet.
Podcasting is empowering individuals with the ability to globally distribute their ideas and create a following of like minded fans. It is impacting traditional industries such as journalism, education and entertainment allowing anyone to freely create and distribute news and media.
Podcasting is a fantastic way to get your personality and you ideas out into the world. Though it’s far easier to produce a regular podcast show than, say, a video series or other forms of online content, podcasting still requires more than one might expect, especially if you want to incorporate professional audio. Thankfully, once you’ve overcome the initial time and monetary investments that go into equipment and planning, all you need is a little dedication and free time to get your show on the road.
Before you can create a successful podcast then, maybe i could layout a few suggestions on how to make your show sound great both in terms of audio quality and content -get hosted, and hopefully get noticed.
Planning and pre-production
Before you go about recording your first episode, you need to do a fair amount of planning and pre-production. This should include;
Theme: You could go broad and cover a wide variety of topics, or you could go specific and focus on your own niche.
Episode Length and format: How long do you want your podcast to be? Most podcasts don’t exceed 60 minutes as anything longer typically is a bit much for the average listener.
Script: This is especially important if you’re going to have multiple segments during your show. Having a script or outline will make transitions between segments feel more natural and elegant, and will ensure you stay within your general time limit.
Scheduling: How often will your podcast air new episodes? Weekly or biweekly tends to be the norm for most shows, though others do air monthly or even less frequently than that.
After all this is in place, I am assuming that, once you arrive to a decision to start making and sharing podcast, you have already considered the aspect of the equipment you need. From the recording software like Audacity or Acoustica Basic Edition. Also you are going to need to add USB Mics, mixer and headphones.
Now that all this is done, you may get down to the recording then editing of your podcast.
This is where all your preparation and hard work comes to fruition. If you’re just starting out, don’t worry too much about executing the perfect show right off the bench. Once your first recording is complete you will have an audio file for your pilot episode.
This is where you get to work on your recording, adding background music, rimming your file into desired length, adjust bit rate, introducing audio components among other techniques.
The primary purpose of creating a podcast is to be able to share it with others. So after getting it ready, its obvious that you get it to be heard by those that you had intended it for. You can upload the audio files on your website. By creating amazing Call To Action on your website that leads people to a landing page where they are introduced to your podcast can be a ready good way to market your podcast and encourage maximum reach.
Technically, podcasts are XML files that index the MP3 files and metadata that represent each episode. Content management systems like Squarespace and WordPress, with a plugin like podPress, can generate a podcast XML feed. Regardless of which way you author your podcast’s XML file, be sure to follow Apple’s podcast specifications for the best results. Afterward, once your XML file is online, use an RSS validator like to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes before submitting your feed to the iTunes store. Don’t forget to submit your show to other podcast platforms, including Google Music, Stitcher, and Soundcloud.
Congratulations, your podcast is ready for distribution!
You have created an engaging landing page on your website that leads to your podcast or Apple has listed your podcast on their iTunes Store and Google has added you to its podcast selection, you are now a media entity.
Take it to Social Media
Your podcast needs listeners and social media networks provide a great way to connect with them. Post notifications to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other networks whenever new podcast episodes become available, expanding the content with additional links and updates if there have been any new developments since your podcast initially aired. Did you recently feature a song from a local artist? Post an update with a link to that song. Really pumped about a guest that will join your next episode? Add an update saying so. Use social media to maintain interest in your brand between episodes.
Your Website
Your Podcast needs a home, that should be your website. If you are just starting and you have yet to get a website, it will be good for you to have one. To have a more polished presence a website is a one-stop access to your podcast episodes. you can provide information on speakers, topics and your design amazing landing pages to capture your audience/participants personas. Now get that website.
There you have it. You are now a podcaster. Remember, podcasts are recurring media, so it’s time to get to work on episode two. Before you do, though, consider a debrief with other hosts and with your respective guests. Discuss what worked well and what could be improved. If time allows, make said debriefings a regular part of recording your podcast.
If this article may have motivated you to consider podcasts as part of your training or marketing strategy, please share your comments below and please do not forget to share.