KayTouch Solutions

KayTouch Solutions Is a Concept Development entity. We are determined to be the largest corporation in concept development and experimentation in the world. Our main objective is to develop and manufacture an extensive range of Products and services that will conform with the ever changing way of life as we know it. KayTouch Solutions market interest is in creativity. We choose skill precision and art in the development of our products.

KayTouch Solutions, with its extensive interests has different brands that are responsible for the research and development of products and services we offer.

We have interests in;

Manufacturing, production, health care, Energy, telecommunications, Software Engineering, Networking, business solutions,. Computer science, finance, governance, agriculture, military, construction, music, fashion and design, Web design and development, graphic design (development of visual information systems) media and film, pharmacy, sales and marketing.

Our greatest aim is advanced research in the production and development of concepts that are easily embraced, adaptable and affordable regardless of location, situation, culture, environment and socio-economic factors.

kivuti kamau

Data Modelling, Design & Development

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