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Becoming a Successful Student Entrepreneur

[su_quote cite=”Kim Lachance Shandrow” url=””]If you’re considering becoming a student entrepreneur, just like any other endeavor you undertake, you should have a clear plan — not something like a half-assed term paper hobbled together the night before it’s due. Researching the steps needed to successfully bootstrap a business from your dorm room is key.[/su_quote]

Here’s a six-step snapshot of the basics of starting up. At first glance, it looks easy, but, as many student entrepreneurs will attest, it’s very challenging, especially while juggling a course load and keggers:

  1. Evaluate your business skills, knowledge and goals.
  2. Find the business idea that suits you best.
  3. Research your competitors (and prepare to crush them).
  4. Make a stellar business plan.
  5. Seek out a helpful mentor.
  6. Register your business, open up shop and rock it.

student entrepreneur


kivuti kamau

Data Modelling, Design & Development