Now commuters on Matatus, commonly Mathrees can enjoy free wifi from safaricom! If you own a smartphone that it, not your kabambe ama Mulika mwizi, you can now surf the internet on our almost tourist attraction Traffic jam especially guys who are from Rongai,and eastlands, all you need right now is a smartphone and you are set.
Matatus for you who are not Kenyan, are a public means of transport used all over the country, the most amazing breed of these ‘matatus‘ is in urban areas, since from the beginning we have experienced an evolution of public transportation. It first started with souped up bodies called ‘Manyanga‘ then funky names and loud music followed by awesome graffiti which still rule the streets. Later it came to hyped crew, TV screens and more sound until a dude came called Michuki killed the creativity by introducing laws that really mangled this culture. Never the less, the tradition advanced to Tints, Graffiti,Music, super driving and now Wifi.

I would like to dwell on the wifi issue since in the recent past we have seen huge traffic snarl ups on our roads that make it a huge task to just commute. Matatus will pay an amount to safaricom (the service provider of this facility) that will see matatus rise in street credibility and obvious fare since there will be ‘tuko digital ka calculator juu internet tume-install‘ (we are digital and Hot!). This is an awesome service that will create room for more growth including thuggery and policing. I hope policing wins because even the thugs are digital, they see this window, but my great advice to Kenyans, let us embrace this change and work harder to create more wealth for distribution and cut down on the desperation to steal.
In the meantime am in a Matatu that’s already hot and updating my blog and loving it, have a free wifi day, you should try it!
Posted by Peter Kivuti LED at KayTouch Solutions.