KayTouch Solutions
What about KayTouch Solutions COD.E?

KayTouch Solutions is a Concept Development entity focused on technology design and development.Founded in 2008,…

Big surprise from a small stick!

[su_quote cite="kivuti" url="http://twitter.com/nimimikivuti"]As technology advances, be sure to be really surprised by technological creations and…

Stripe to pay my Pal!

Nearly two decades ago, PayPal transformed the world of e-commerce by offering to mask a…

Facebook Safety Check

Did you know that Facebook users are able to notify friends and family that they are…

Improve Your Reach on Facebook (INFOGRAPHIC)

Your Facebook reach is declining. So is everyone else’s. Old news. Organic reach has declined to…

No pants are the Best pants

This world is an amazing place to be at, I was doing my daily rounds…

Apple music now on Android

It started on iOS, but Apple Music has now made its way to Android. Those…

Twitter replaces the ‘favorite’ star with a Periscope-like heart for ‘likes’

The star is dead — long live hearts. Today, Twitter is removing the star indicating…

motivating millenials
Motivating Millennials at the workplace

Article first appeared on Personal Branding Blog Authored by Ceren Cubukcu it really motivated me…

Microsoft Surface Book
Microsoft Surface Book

[su_quote cite="Kivuti" url="https://twitter.com/nimimikivuti"]I believe that one day, competition will lead to the greatest innovation yet…