Mark Zuckerberg visits the Home of Mobile Banking-Kenya

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]O[/su_dropcap]n his surprise tour of tech hubs in Africa, Mark Zuckerberg has made…

Create a successful podcast
Start your own successful Podcast

Maybe I should begin this article by first defining what a podcast is (for those…

Facebook React App
Facebook’s OpenSource ‘React’ Project

[su_dropcap style="flat" size="5"]F[/su_dropcap]acebook’s React project is an open source library that allows developers to quickly…

wearable technology
Take pictures by blinking with Blincam

Blincam is a wearable camera which attaches to any pair of glasses. It lets you…

Twitter: Whats Happening Ad Campaign
‘See whats Happening’ Twitter’s new Ad Campaign

Twitter has launched a new ad Campaign 'See whats happening' because it feels that people…

Twitter Verified
Now your account can be Verified on twitter

Twitter has just announced a new process to allow you to verify your account. As…

Pokemon Go, What the buzz is all about

Everyone is suddenly catching Pokémon fever again. Here’s what’s going on. You may have heard…

Chirp for Twitter
Tweet with chirp on Chrome

When you want to share your thoughts about an interesting story or blog post, Twitter’…

why you need a chatbot
What’s a chatbot and why your business needs one

What are chatbots? Why are they such a big opportunity? How do they work? How…

Using facebook chatbots
Use Facebook Messenger Chatbot to fix your distribution problem

Chatbots are one of the most interesting emerging business models in mobile tech. At their core,…