I have been staring at the cursor as it blinks on my word editor and my primary intention is to actually share with you my gratitude to you for your support in just reading and sharing my blog posts this year. Thank You.
When I modified the blog to a better and responsive design, I never expected so much following. Honestly I have been overwhelmed by the support offered here. The primary aim of this blog was to introduce a brand I have been shaping for the last like 5 years. The Brand KayTouch Solutions has given itself the Mandate of supporting idea engineering from the time of conception to full product development. Personally I have been blessed with a wide array of talents and gifts that I believe I could not just use them for my own benefit but to help others in developing especially ideas and concepts in design and development in information technology. To be honest, as I was doing my research, I was overwhelmed by the opportunity of utility tools and applications that small and medium idea developers could utilize in furtherance of their objectives.
At KayTouch Solutions, we serve all industries that will be in need of our expertise in the establishment of viable concepts. COD.E on the other hand is our blog into which we share topics of actual stories and scenarios in which we are involved in. Every time we come up with a new product or service, we publish it on the blog as a reference to our clients and online users so they can understand from a technical and designers perspective of actually how the whole process works.
Reading COD.E affirms you with exactly our interests and updates you at the same time on factors that are relevant to the products we are working on. Our biggest challenge however was structuring our website ww.kaytouch.biz to carry our exact business model. Its not an excuse for unfinished work, but COD.E went a long way in securing for us projects that have kept us on toes for the better part of this year.
As the new year dawn, it is our prayer that we will be more structured in terms of offering our content and delivering our services. There have been numerous challenges but we noted them as pillars that will guide us in the coming year.
Did I Mention that KayTouch Solutions works towards establishing the Kingdom of God? Well we do this through our portfolio and I would like you to know that, we wanna give hope to those that lost it via projects that we now see avenues of products that will help us crowd source and get facilitation to enable this. Already we have programs put down and ideas sketched in regard to this. I am a christian , and the participation of God in my life has been overwhelming and since birth it has been my desire to serve Him. I would like to state it that dealing with people off all walks of life is my desire.
KayTouch solutions is built up on 3 key block. Intimate, Ultimate and Functional. The way we handle our clientele is structured along this lines. Our aim is to be able to offer our services remotely, ie the ability to engage users online, create a following, get new clients (convert online visitors to customers) and offer services without actual interaction! Aint that awesome? I bet it is and as we welcome the new year, our desire is that we will be part of your growth.
By Peter Kivuti. LED at KayTouch Solutions.